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Sacrifice Page 4

  “Did you need something?” I asked, trying to stay focused on my novel.

  “No. Well actually, yes,” He answered.

  “Yes?” I prompted, doing my best to appear unmoved by his presence.

  “I can get around this town just fine on my own. I don’t need an escort.”

  “You would be killed the moment the Apolluon took one sniff of you or the Lykanos saw you,” I said, chuckling lightly. “I am merely keeping you safe.”

  “You know what I think? I think you enjoy keeping me close to you,” Victor said, with what he believed to be a sexy smile. Indeed it was.

  Tiny beads of sweat coated my neck as I read his thoughts. Every notion was of a romantic and animalistic nature. I stopped reading his mind, but not soon enough. I had to pull my gaze away from him.

  “It’s true isn’t it?” He asked, taking a seat in the chair across from mine.


  “You can feel it as I can. We can’t even sit alone in a room without the attraction between us blazing up. You want me, don’t you?”

  “You do enjoy amusing yourself, don’t you?” I asked as I tried to get back into reading and appearing in complete control of my elevated emotions. “At the risk off making me nauseous, do you mind?” I hated being out of control of these unwanted feelings.

  “You can’t deny what you’re feeling,” Victor murmured.

  He leaned back in the chair and put his feet up on the ottoman. Oh, for the god’s sake. Why was he making himself comfortable?

  “The only thing I’m feeling is the need to keep you alive. I thought you could prove to be quite useful but now I’m beginning to wonder if it’s necessary,” I said, peering up from my book.

  “Empresses shouldn’t lie,” Victor whispered, leaning across the arm of his chair.

  “I’m not lying.” I could no longer focus on reading. The room felt incredibly hot as both our auras elevated.

  “By the way, I’m all yours, so it can be arranged,” Victor murmured.

  “What can be arranged?” I asked.

  “You, having your way with me.” The corners of his mouth rose up seductively. I fought the urge to be consumed by his shimmering steel gray eyes. Every part of his beautiful, handsome face was hard to ignore, but I must. He wasn’t what my mind wanted, just my body. I had to keep drilling that into my head. I tried to think of Evan.

  “Was there something you wanted, Victor?” I was trying to appear composed, but I was failing miserably.

  “I think I’ve already stated what I want,” Victor murmured.

  “We don’t always get what we want, do we?” I smiled, but it soon faded as I flushed with what Victor said next.

  “Well, I do,” Victor declared, sounding self-assured as he looked deeply into my eyes. “You want what I want and soon enough you won’t be able to live without it.” He winked and I gulped. “Now about what I need.”

  “That’s the way to a girl’s heart,” I whispered shakily, and tried to chortle. I stuck my nose back into my novel. I had to hide my rose-colored cheeks somehow.

  “Why would I need to be shown the way? I’m already there.” A ripple fluttered through my belly. “You have a firm hold on my heart. You always have and always will.” I broke down and looked into his eyes. They pulled me deeper and I ached to kiss him. Oh no! What’s happening to me? I tore myself away from his gaze.

  “Really? All while you killed me and while you hunted me to do it all over again?” I faked laugher. I don’t believe that he bought my act for a split second.

  “How can you laugh when you know that I’m right?” Victor asked, shaking his head. “I enjoy my feelings for you, and thank the gods daily for choosing me for you.”

  I sighed and he continued.

  “It may scare you that I’m right, but we belong together and you know this.”

  The message in his mind was clear. He was serious. “Anyway, getting back to what I need.” I was so relieved that he decided to go in another direction.

  “And that is?” I asked, as Victor stood up. He walked over to the globe, which stood in the center of the room, and spun it.”

  “What is rightfully mine, Delia.” He didn’t have to spell it out. I knew exactly what he meant. Being powerless amongst so many with power, earlier today, had taken its toll on him.

  “In due time, Victor,” I said with a heavy sigh that seemed to irritate him.

  “Haven’t I proven myself? I told you of the plan Hades has in store for you. If I wanted to hurt you or any other member of the family, I wouldn’t have shared that information.”

  “In due time,” I promised with finality. He had no idea that I was pulling for him. I wanted to restore his powers, but I wanted everyone to be on the same page. I couldn’t have Victor’s position in the family causing division. It was already causing friction between Evan and me. The council would have to give their opinion, although in the end the decision was mine.

  “Sometimes I do wonder who runs this empire. You or lover boy?” Victor snapped, and stormed out of the library.

  I slammed my book shut and closed my eyes, relishing the silence.

  I agonized over my decision to send the warrior teams out in the morning. I couldn’t talk to Evan. He was probably still angry. I needed to speak to two very important people. The wall disappeared as I wished it to. I was now standing in a gray marble-walled room. The glass domes emerged almost immediately. The crystallized hearts of my parents lit up. I’ve kept them hidden, but close since reclaiming them from Victor.

  “Father? Mother?”

  “We’re here my darling. It’s been too long,” Mother said.

  “I can only speak to you when I’m sure that I’m not spied on by the children or anyone else.”

  “Do you not trust those who reside with you, my dear girl?” Father asked.

  “It’s not that I don’t trust them. I guess I’m just not ready to share you with anyone else. You understand, don’t you?”

  “Your voice doesn’t sound as assured as it has in your last visits, darling. Is there something troubling you?” Mother asked as her hearts light dimmed with sadness.

  “I miss you both terribly, and wish you were here.” I said, as I held back tears.

  “We are here,” Mother said and her prism-like heart illuminated brightly.

  “I mean I wish you were here in human form.” The silence was deafening. “I'm working hard to get you back. I have warrior trackers ready to start searching for your bodies at dawn.”

  “Perhaps that is not imperative at the moment,” Father said.

  “What? Of course it is,” I said, feeling exasperated. Why was everyone against this mission?

  “You have an empire to look after. Hades will continue to strengthen the Apolluon. The members need your strength.”

  “I need your strength,” I said, feeling abandoned.

  “No you don’t,” Father stated, forcefully. The light of his crystalized heart crackled like my bolt, reminding me of my father’s quick temper. “We’re not as powerful as your closest aides.”

  “So, what are you saying? Do I have your support in the search mission, or not?”

  “We support you in all you believe is right to do,” Mother said, faithfully.

  “We want you to be careful in prioritizing and utilizing your disciple’s strength. You must save your strength for the extreme threats. It is the best way to govern,” Father explained.

  “Which brings me to why I sought your guidance tonight; I am considering restoring Victor's strengths and bringing him back to full power.”

  “It sounds like you feel very strongly about your decision,” Father said.

  “Well, he's been very helpful. He’s provided pertinent information which will help in safe-guarding our empire.”

  “What has Victor told you exactly?” Father inquired.

  “Ares informed his son of how Hades is plotting to abduct me, steal my bolt, and confront Zeus for his share of the earth
and heavens.”

  “I see. Well, Hades has always desired what his brothers have. Victor was wise to pass on this knowledge. Have you spoken to the council on Victor’s behalf?”

  “No, father, but I will in the morning. I think there is a crucial to restore his powers now.”

  “Why now?”

  “Well, I have the teams leaving in the morning. Victor will be a very powerful addition in keeping the remaining members safe while the warriors are away.”

  “I can't foresee the council opposing,” Father admitted.

  “Neither do I,” I beamed. My father was a fearless leader with a level head. He agreed with me, and not because I was his daughter, but because my plan made sense.

  Once the wall closed, I summoned the elders to the center of the Tieron mine. They arrived almost immediately. They searched my face for any indication that I may have changed my mind and decided not to send their offspring out into the world on what they believed to be a selfish crusade. Although I was able to read their minds, I don’t ever remember feeling the staccato beat of their hearts. They were anxious to hear what I had to say.

  Unfortunately, I would disappoint.

  “I’ve called upon you to discuss what I feel is a very important matter. One that I believe should give you some comfort while your children are away.” I didn’t want to bring up their children, but it was unavoidable. The blow had been delivered. What I would be proposing had a lot to do with their safety in their children’s absence.

  “You have our attention, Empress Cordelia,” Lucien said stiffly, as every pair of eyes stayed glued to my face. I wanted all of us to work together and I hoped that my plan would please them.

  “I think you all will be pleased with what I have to say,” I said, after swallowing the huge lump in my throat.

  “Yes, Cordelia. We know what you’ve been contemplating.” I saw the glimmer of a smile creeping up to Lucien’s face.

  “You do?” I asked, taken back.

  “Yes, Empress Cordelia. Lord Evander informed us. You want to fortify Victor with his god given powers.”

  “Exactly,” I said trying to hide my shock. Why had Evan spoken to them? When did he talk to them? The heat began to rise within me. My heart was beating as rapidly as the elder’s hearts, only a moment ago.

  “We all agree with Evan when we say that it’s too soon.” This wasn’t what I had expected at all. My powers could prevent the pain imploding in my gut. It felt like a brick had smashed into it.

  Oh Evan, how could you go behind my back?

  I composed myself and worked incredibly hard to not show how defeated I felt by Evan betraying my confidence.

  “While your children are away, Victor will play a very necessary part in your safety.”

  “He hasn’t proven himself,” Lucien said, forcefully.

  “He has with the information he provided,” I countered, equally as harsh.

  “That is not enough,” Delilah proclaimed.

  “It is for me,” I said, keeping my composure. I wasn’t about to come apart in front of them. They opposed me on purpose. It was payback for sending their heirs out on the mission.

  “How can we trust him? Must we remind you Empress, of what he’s done?” Lucien asked, stepping forward.

  “His need to avenge his parents’ unfair banishment and deaths drove him to plot and build a large group of disciples.” Delilah added.

  “He fortified this army of mortals with his power. Under his rule his army displayed power that brought on the attention of the Apolluon shadows,” Christos declared.

  They were all weighing in on me and I could feel my heat coming to a boiling point.

  “How could I forget? I was the one he killed. Remember?” I snapped. The elders were speechless. It was my turn now.

  “I’ll never forget but I have forgiven him.”

  We couldn’t blame Victor for his bad choices. The same two members who murdered his parents murdered my parents, but I had support. He was all alone and without any guidance. I understood his pain. This is just one of the reasons I couldn’t banish Victor to an eternity in the Underworld. He’s trying to please everyone. He wants to be a part of this family.

  “We are a compassionate empire. We support our members. Are we going to continue punishing him?” I asked.

  “Empress, we want Victor to be a part of this family. This is where he belongs. He belongs in this empire side by side with you, his betrothed,” Lucien said, spinning this in another direction. “We are also an obedient empire and we honor the gods. We trust them with their decisions. Are you ready to honor the god’s wishes? Zeus’ wishes?”

  “What does honoring my father have to do with restoring Victor’s powers, Lucien?” I asked stepping closer to Lucien. I stared into his beady eyes. I was about ready to banish him.

  “You ask us to trust him with our lives when you don’t trust him as the god’s choice for you.” Delilah jumped in and answered for Lucien, who looked frustrated. I read his thoughts. He missed the days when emperors and emperors were older and made decisions based on experience.

  “One has nothing to do with the other,” I snapped, daring them to argue further on that ridiculous point. They knew that I was in love with Evan even if he… I couldn’t even say it. I was still having trouble believing that he would go behind my back.

  “I think it’s time that this empire finally embraced Victor, completely.”

  “We aren’t totally convinced of his devotion with his one and only act of contrition. How can he be trusted with our …lives?” Lucien asked. “What if you’re wrong about him?”

  “I’m not,” I declared, challenging him.

  “Are you prepared to take full responsibility if Victor turns on us, again?” Lucien asked, glaring at me.

  “He won’t.”

  “You haven’t answered the question,” Christos pressed.

  “Yes,” I said, hoping that the day would never come when Victor would betray the empire.

  “Empress, do you aim to lose everyone’s support?” Lucien raised a brow.

  “Have I lost yours?” I asked, glaring at every elder. There was a long pause as they all shifted from one foot to the other and avoided eye contact with me. The awkward silence made me wonder if I ever had their support.

  “Empress, we are all trying to support you, and don’t take this the wrong way, but we feel that your decisions are very rash,” Lucien said.

  “I’ll take that the right way and thanks for trying. I am taking the appropriate time and guidance when making all decisions.”

  “Who’s guidance? You haven’t taken any of ours,” Christos huffed.

  “Fortunately, you’re not the only elders I can go to for guidance and support.” They knew that I was referring to my parents. They resented the fact that I was communicating with them. My parents were superior and if they agreed with my choices then how could they not…

  “Your father was a very wise emperor, but–,” Christos said.

  “Is a wise emperor. My father will be back once your children have fulfilled their mission,” I declared, interrupting Christos.

  “I didn’t mean any disrespect to your father,” Christos amended, shakily. “What will you do if your parents return? Will you step down and let your father rule again?”

  “You mean when he returns, right?”

  “Uh, yes, of course,” Christos stammered.

  “Of course.” I agreed, smirking.

  I chose to not answer his question. Not because I didn’t want to, but because I had no idea what I was going to do when I bought my parents back to life. I hadn’t thought that far ahead and realized that I should have. I had only been focusing on finding them. Maybe I never thought that far ahead because deep in my heart I feared that I’d never find them. The thought almost brought tears to my eyes.

  “Do you really plan to defy the gods?” Delilah asked, darkly.

  “What do you mean?” I had no idea where she was going with her

  “Do you plan to ignore the appointed match for you?” She clarified.

  “My match is my choice. For the god’s sake it’s the nineteenth century not 10 B.C.,” I sighed, exasperated with this tiresome spin on the discussion.

  “The gods are finicky that way. They will never bless your union to Lord Evander, Empress. Together you have two wills, two points of view. You will never see eye to eye, not completely. You must have one will as all matches do. You both are doomed to endure pain, not true and undying love.”

  I had to catch my breath. “Evan and I are stronger… because we love each other. The gods can’t change that.”

  “Stronger together?” Delilah asked, as her laughter rang through the mine like chimes. “Yet, the young lord sought our confidence without you knowing it. That is not the behavior of a true match, young Empress. Two wills.”

  “That’s between Lord Evander and I,” I said calmly, but I was blistering hot.

  “And what is between you and Victor? Do you feel nothing for him or is it just that you need to make him nearly as powerful as you.” Delilah asked, as the corners of her mouth flirted with a smile. She was more like Hera than I had thought and this peacock was plucking at my nerves.

  “I feel nothing but the need to protect him,” I lied.

  “Nothing more?” Delilah nudged further.

  “I will fortify Victor’s powers tomorrow,” I said changing the subject, but I could tell by Lucien’s raised brow that he knew why I took the conversation in another direction. I had a feeling that he knew I was lying. I they all did.

  “Let’s hope that you don’t place the welfare of this empire directly in harm’s way,” Lucien said stiffly.

  “Once Victor has his powers, I will see to it that he protects each and every one of you. It will be his first priority. So there we have it.” It was final.

  I began to walk away as the members began to disappear, but not before I heard someone whisper, “I would have tried being nicer to him had I known she would have him babysit us.”

  Five - Cordelia

  Warrior Teams